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Cleaning Up Bird Excrement

Posted by Rob Turkewitz on

Imagine you’ve finally found the time to take your partner for that long-promised boat ride around the harbor.  They are so excited, they’ve brought lunch and drinks, and the weather is beautiful.  However, as you step aboard your proud vessel, you’re confronted with an unpleasant surprise: The bow has been the roosting place for seagulls, and they have not bothered to clean up after themselves!

We hear this all the time.  Customers call often asking how to properly clean bird excrement from their boats, cell phone towers, and the decks of homes and restaurants.  While not a pleasant chore, this can be done safely and without too much fuss, if you follow a few basic steps.  But, even better, a little prevention can save you a lot of work with proper bird deterrent devices in place.

Simply spraying bird excrement with a hose is not a good idea.  Bird excrement is known to contain bacteria and high nitrogen content that can harm the surrounding environment or cause illness in people or pets.  This stuff needs to be contained, not stirred up in the air, and disposed of properly.  Follow the instructions from the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to get the job done right.  Go to for specifics.

Two final bits of advice:  One, go down and check your boat the day before you take that special someone out for a cruise!   And second, consider getting a better bird deterrent device!

For more info:

 By Tim Schmitz, CFO, WhirlyBirdSolutions, LLC

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